Dear colleagues and friends

A last update before we move on to the year 2025. The PROGRAM has been finalized and you can expect many interesting presentations on a wide range of topics in neonatal and paediatric intensive care medicine.
We are delighted that a large number of recogniozed specialists in their field are once again making themselves available as speakers.
CME credits have been granted and now there is only one thing left to do: REGISTER.


I look forward to welcoming you all to Bern in March 2025.


Tom Riedel (Course Chairman)


Registration is now open.

Program Course 2025
Flyer Course 2025

CME Credits:

The 15th European Postgraduate Course in Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine, Bern, Switzerland 27/03/2025 -29/03/2025, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 17.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

National Credits:

- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Intensivmedizin: 18 Credits
- pädiatrie schweiz: 18 Credits
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Neonatologie: angefragt 


Confirmed Speakers

Christoph Aebi, Bern CH
Sarah Barclay, London UK
Joe Brierley, London UK
Barbara Brotschi, Zurich CH
Hannah Cock, London UK
Mirjana Cvetkovic, London UK
Pieter De Cock, Gent BE
Gemma Edwards, Glasgow UK
Adrian Egli, Zürich CH
Wesley Hayes, Zurich CH
Aparna Hoskote, London UK
Katharina Lutz, Bern CH
Martina Messing-Jünger, Sankt Augustin GER
Vinay Nadkarni, Philadelphia USA
Peter P Roeleveld, Leiden NL
Karl Florian Schettler, Munich GER
Luregn Schlapbach, Zurich CH
Martin Stocker, Lucerne CH
Philipp Szavay, Lucerne CH
Dick Tibboel, Rotterdam NL
Susanne Tippmann, Mainz GER
Laszlo Vutskits, Geneva CH
Scott Watson, Seattle USA

Scientific Committee

André Kidszun
Malaika Mendonça
Tom Riedel
Luregn Schlapbach
Martin Stocker
Volker Umlauf